The Disney on the Yard Innovation Challenge provides an opportunity for HBCU students to showcase their skills and talents to our company through a Disney-prompted project. Provided with a challenge, students will work in teams to deliver a concept in a format similar to a case study. In a matter of weeks, teams will need to leverage their various creative, technical, and communication skills to prepare a submission that will appeal to judges with backgrounds representing a wide array of expertise and disciplines.
Teams should be made up of no more than four students and no less than three students at their schools. Each student must be enrolled and taking classes at an accredited Historically Black College and University to be eligible. Each student will need to register online and submit school verification along with their resume.
This opportunity is open to all majors and classifications. Students must be 18 years of age at the time of registration.
At this time Registration is closed for the 2022 Disney on the Yard Innovation Challenge. Please check back in Fall of 2023 for information on our 2023 Disney on the Yard Innovation Challenge.